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Home Props:

A pair of wooden spoons each or claves, plus big plastic bowl each


Cobbler Cobbler Mend My Shoe – Ta Ta Ti ti – please print


3 Images – Baker, Cobbler and Barber – all for one song together.  It would be great if you can show these images to the children and talk about what each is doing.  You don’t need to print them. 


Picture of Caterpillar and Butterfly


Maraca or shaky instrument each


Animals- Dog, Squirrel, Pig, Bird (robin) Bee







Some Class Guidelines

  1. Please try not to have too many distractions in the room. 

  2. Children do like to get up, run around during class, this is normal for the younger ones.  I don’t expect them to sit down and just join in like perfect angels!!  That’s just not realistic and actually sometimes they go and get something we think is nothing to do with the class that they sit with now completely engrossed or just listening.  So coming in and out of class is very normal.  As long as they are happy and joining in lots of the time that’s brilliant.  For those that haven’t done much screen time it takes a bit of time so give them a couple of weeks to get used to it.  The older children will find this easiest.

  3. Try to use the biggest screen you have.

  4. Very importantly, YOU MUST JOIN IN TOO just like in a group venue class but it’s even more important on a screen class as they look to you for reassurance and confidence.  So try to sit on the floor with them.

  5. Make sure you have enough props so you have them too so your little one is watching you join in.  Both parents are welcome.  If grandparents are around they can join in too.  This is all about learning together.


Lastly, if you have any feedback during the term please share with me.  Doing the class at home is quite different and If something doesn’t work just let me know. 

For Example: one of the mums fed back last term that it would be much easier on her side if bubbles were at the end of class as her little one wanted them continuously after we used them, so we adjusted, it’s not a problem. You might even find that they want to continue the activity we’ve just finished and to be honest it’s magic to see someone still being the train whilst we are singing the next song as it proves they are really getting it. 

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