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From 3 - 5 Years


Music and Me -  

Exploring Music and Movement

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We now journey beyond Baby Signing. The children by now are usually speaking well and are rapidly expanding their repertiore of words, phrases, songs, rhymes etc.  We now build on this.

We still sign during our classes but this is something the children are very familar with.  We now use signs in a very different way.  We use them for focus, for developing their memory and recall, for emphasis and for clarity.  

Music and Me is all about helping 3 - 5 year olds develop pre-literacy and language skills through a child's most loved ritual: music, movement and story time.  

During just one term of this programme you will see a marked difference on the confidence of your child.   Of course, we have 2 full years of courses for this age level so each term is a new selection of activities, stories, themes etc.  


 What a Parent and Child Will Experience in Class:



  • Songs and rhymes to develop phonetic awareness and early reading skills


  • Tapping, clacking, and ringing rhythm instruments in time with music to improve hand-eye coordination


  • Focused listening with music to improve skills in following directions


  • Instrument play to strengthen fine motor skills


  • Developmentally-appropriate songs to develop vocal chords and expressive speech


  • Learning that emphasises storytelling, imaginative play, and taking turns


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